Saturday, May 07, 2005

My heretical thought for the day ...

As if I could reduce myself to having only one heretical thought per day! This is not the first time I have had this particular thought or one very similar to it , however, this is the first time that I have tried sit and add flesh to it, trying to get it past the "wow, that was a bizarre thought" stage and perhaps get feedback for it. This time it has gotten under my skin and won't go away so here it goes ....
I was sitting in the van waiting for my funny little honey and the kids to finish their Mother's Day shopping, as you can guess, it was taking a while so I picked up my new copy of 'Forward Day by Day' . This is nothing new, I read it quite frequently, though I have never stopped to read the inside cover , until then . On the inside front cover is small passage called 'morning resolve' which is a suggested prayer to help you get your day off on the right foot. After listing those habits that I will work at being faithful to; prayer, work , study, charity which is good , those are things that I work on myself... It is the last paragraph that really got me though "As I cannot in in my own strength do this nor even with a hope of success attempt it I look to thee O Lord God my Father..." I really and truly had one of those Monty Python moments when I expected the clouds to part and God to poke his head through and in a exasperated voice exclaim ... "Oh , stop groveling ... I hate it when people grovel .... every time I try to talk to someone it's always I'm not worthy Lord , or please forgive me Lord ... just stop sniveling and listen to me !" It does seem to me that people spend an inordinate amount of time begging God for help with things that we are perfectly capable of doing on our own . Did God not give us free will and massive brain power for a reason . (this is why I didn't make a good Baptist) I feel secure enough in my abilities that I don't see the need to flood God with the trivialities of my daily life . If you were God would you want the company of people who did nothing but whine at you every time they opened their mouths ? Yes I believe in prayer , but it consists mainly of " I hope that I did more to show Your love to the world today than I did yesterday... And if I didn't please accept my apologies and I will try again tomorrow. " So down to my heretical thought .... I really think God would rather have us work through our daily lives on our own with the reason and might that He gave us , rather than relying on Him to do everything for us . Just think , this is one of the less heretical of my heretical thoughts .

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