Thursday, May 12, 2005

Have Christians Lost Christ ?

If you asked 100 different people what being Christian means , I’m guessing the answer would not be flattering and if you posed this question to the same number of non Christians the answer would be even less so. Wasn’t the “great Commission” to send us out into the world to spread the news of Christ? What was this news? If you asked the non Christians , they would probably say that the news of Christ was about fanatical adherence to dogma, the exclusion of vile sinners , and an overwhelming conviction that everyone else is misled or just plain wrong. Is this truly the message that Christ wanted sent out into the world in his name ? I don’t think Christ ever intended for his life to used as an eternal measurement of perfection for us to strive to achieve. He wasn’t about following the letter of the law , but the spirit of the law. He made disciples of women and tax collectors. He had a love for ALL of mankind and preached that ALL were worthy of the love of God. He didn’t say “blessed are they who win the most souls in my name” he said “blessed are the peace makers” He said “Love your neighbor as yourself” not “condemn your neighbor for his perceived sins.” Most Christians strive to live a Christ-like life , however , Christ’s life was more about compassion than perfection.

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