Wednesday, March 23, 2005

"Episcopal Women"

Not too long ago I went to an ECW (Episcopal Church Women) conference held not too far from my home . I had been looking forward to this gathering for some time based on the glowing reviews of the video presentation that we would see . WELLLLL , guess what .... I was slightly less than impressed . The company was good , the food was great ... the video STANK !! Though I can't remember the exact title of the video , the lead in was something about the importance of the roles of women in the Episcopal church and how we should feel proud of our accomplishments and the contributions that we make on a daily basis for the betterment of society and the church in our own communities as well as the Church universal . It was misleading to say the least . Every one of the eight or so women profiled in the program were ordained to the priesthood and started(or been instrumental in starting) some large ministry of some sort . Yea ... Good for them ... ! At what point did the feminist movement take over the Episcopal church ? Not only was the video irrelevant to the groups assembled ( Iwas one of the few under age 65 ) it was just WRONG !!! In so many ways it was wrong !!! Great and wonderful that these women gave up at least ten years of families life to go through the ordination process , which is something only a small few of the group would have ever considered, their accomplishments were nothing compared to those of the somewhat more humble crowed assembled to watch the video . What makes that priests "clothing closet" program any more important than the "soup canning" program done by that small group of women from that very small congregation seated in the second pew ? Or the "cleaning ladies" sitting on the back row who make sure their particular church and grounds are maintained to the best of their abilities ? What about the thousands of Episcopal women who volunteer to be Sunday school teachers year after year after year ? Yes the"clothing closet" program was a program worthy of the time and effort that this priest put into getting it up and running , HOWEVER , she is a priest , that is part of her job , it's the sort of thing she gets paid for . ( Paid a salary at least twice as much as that of the ladies in the "soup canning" group I might ad . ) The real accomplishments to be lauded here are not those made by the paid church staff but those made by the thousands of women who every day volunteer their time , effort and more often than not money to the thousands of programs carried out by the average church down the road from you and me . How about a video celebrating those ladies , the REAL Episcopal Church Women . Like the lady with four children who designs and maintains the lovely garden in front of your church ? The group of retirees who spend a weekend polishing the church brasses before the Easter service ? Those who see to the funeral luncheons , sympathy and hospitality committees ? What is wrong with celebrating the contributions of the invisible multitude that truly make the Episcopal church function ?? I would like to see it happen . Though sadly, I doubt that it ever will .

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