Sunday, March 06, 2005

Why Martha ??

Well she is now out of prison and presumably strolling about her massive estate in NY. (I would be...) Am I the only one who thinks that sending a woman (or any person) to prison for not admitting duplicity in a small scale investment deal is ridiculous? Has any one from Enron , Healthsouth or Adelphia been sent to prison yet? So why Martha? Is it that she was someone they felt safe making an example out of? Perhaps because she is a woman? I've seen people who sell crack to little children get off with leaner sentences than Ms. Stewart. Granted, I am a bit envious of her "Domestic Diva" status and some (most) of her ideas seem a bit far out and expensive for your average housewife, I in no way think she was deserving of prison. I get the feeling that so many women (read : feminists) dislike Martha simply because her empire has revolved laround all things domestic, perhaps they believe she has sold herself and women in general short by not being an attorney or politician or something more "worthy" of her obvious talents. Perhaps they dislike her even more because she has been so successful at it. Isn't that what feminism was about in the beginning? Having the choices and chances to do what you felt you were good at? Well Ms. Stewart , you are my kind of feminist. More power to you!! I have never met a poor man (or woman) who could afford to give any one else a job.

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