Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Momus is in a quandary ...

Boy did my moral compass have a hissy-fit today , I was reading the news as I am usually loathe to do (ignorance is bliss after all) , and came across a lovely headline stating that Pat Robertson is calling for the assassination of the Venezuelan President !
Robertson , founder of the Christian Coalition, has decided that Hugo Chavez is a “terrific danger” to our country because he aims to make Venezuela a " launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism” . Just out of curiosity, is it possible to be a communist and a Muslim extremist at the same time ? My first reaction was that Pat Robertson has finally gone off his nut. Here is the leader of a major Christian organization calling publicly for the murder of another human being. Sounds a bit wrong, does it not ? Mr. Robertson’s justification is this … "We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability," Why you may ask … Pat says … “it’s cheaper than starting a war " BUT THEN my moral compass did it’s little turn south . In a way , I have to agree with Pat Robertson (something I NEVER would have thought possible) A couple of well place assassinations here and there could have helped avert some of the most horrific moments in our history … ie.. Adolf Hitler. With out his magnetic personality , the Third Reich would have come to it’s end much sooner. I’m not saying that every disagreeable dictator should suffer some fatal “accident” , HOWEVER , neither am I opposed to using the type of diplomacy that comes with a .762 shot to the noggin’ , if the situation calls for it . I guess the hard part is who gets to decide that sort of thing and how . What sort of a barometer does one use to gauge the value of one life over another. Would I loose any sleep if Sadam Hussein had an unfortunate run with the Grim Reaper ? NOPE !! But I don’t think making a martyr of him is a very good idea either. I have found that I could argue both sides of this coin all day long with out having to invite any one else into the argument. On one hand , I believe the taking of an innocent life to be a vile thing , however I have no problem with the death penalty at all. Provided it is applied justly . To me the blatant murder of another human being is wrong , but at the same time our small town has recently seen one of its residents charged with molesting at least fifteen children , and molested another child while out on bond in some other town … I would have no problem at all with seeing him swing freely in the breeze , perhaps I could even find it in my heart to provide the rope . I guess that is why we have “situational ethics” . Momus is in a quandary .


opal said...

I guess there's just something about hearing a religious leader calling for the murder of a human being that's disturbing. I felt the same way when I heard Falwell asking God to make another opening on the Supreme Court... You want to think that religious leaders are more ethical than your average person!

Anonymous said...

thought-provoking, mootable pv. just my thoughts, well anyways gl & be chipper is what i say