Saturday, June 04, 2005

To the people of South Wrenzori ...

We have not forgotten you , nor will we hindered by the actions of a man so absorbed in his own self righteousness that he is willing to sacrifice the well being and in some cases the lives of the people in his Diocese in order to make a political point . For a “man of God “ Bishop Tembo seems to be all to willing to throw out the Baby with the bathwater, “ Asserting that the South Rwenzori Diocese "upholds the Holy Scriptures as the true word of God," and implying that the Pennsylvanian diocese -- by supporting a gay bishop -- does not, Bishop Tembo proclaimed the two dioceses to be in "theological conflict," thus leading him to reject all ties to his brothers and sisters in Christ living in and around Harrisburg.” You do not have to agree with or even tolerate homosexuality to see that what Bishop Tembo has done is terribly wrong, however Bishop Tembo is not such an obstacle that he cannot be circumvented , although he rejected the money, medical personel and supplies being offered by the Diocese of Central PA. in favor of towing the party line his people will not suffer for it for our Diocese has partnered with the Bishop Masereka Foundation, an independent charity that operates in southwest Uganda to assist victims of HIV/AIDS and their families. There is an old expression that when God closes one door , he opens another , I feel that there is no truer case than this. Even though Africa only houses 10 percent of the worlds total population it is home to 90 percent of the worlds HIV/AIDS orphans , it is estimated that by the year 2010 that there will be 40 MILLION AIDS orphans in Africa , most of them being in the sub-Saharan region that Bishop Tembo calls home. Perhaps the good Bishop can be so cavalier because his own five children have never been touched by the Aids epidemic, nor have they ever had to beg for food or watched their parents and extended family die and wonder what will happen to them now. A very sad and alarming side note to this is that many conservative “Christians” in this country have applauded Bishop Tembo and support his decision to reject our money, help and prayers that are being offered to his people. While I agree that holding to one’s religious convictions is a good thing , I personally belive that perhaps they have chosen the wrong conviction to latch on to . When asked point blank which commandment is the greatest one of all Christ replied “ To love the Lord your God with all your heart , mind and soul and to love your brother as your self .” If you love your brother as yourself how do you let him suffer and die in the name of “Theological Conflict” ? ‘Tis a good thing that in the end Bishop Tembo will be answering to God and not me , for I’m fairly sure that God is more forgiving . To the families of South Wrenzori , our prayers have always been with you , and thanks to the Bishop Masereka Foundation , our medical supplies and financial help will be with you too. “ O God, you have taught us to keep all your commandments by loving you and our neighbor: Grant us the grace of your Holy Spirit, that we may be devoted to you with whole heart, and united with one another with pure affection; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen” Book of Common Prayer

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